


10:00 PMSpider Sniffing
How well can you smell? Join Sarah on a search for spiders creeping around on the ground. Easy .375 mile hike.
Meet at the Grissom Memorial.



11:00 AMSpring Mill Lake Hike
Hike around the lake and learn about the flora, fauna and history of the lake. 45 minute Hike.
Meet at Lakeview Activity Center.

3:00 PM Creek Stomp
Beat the heat by dipping your feet! Meet Naturalist, Sheree, to take a cool dive into the life of the cold spring water.
Meet at the Pioneer Village Ordinary.

4:00 PM Trees are used for what!?
Trees of the forest are able to help us in our everyday life and are used in a variety of unsuspecting products. Join Aaron for a fun show and tell of different wood and forest products. 30 minutes.
Meet a the Lakeview Activity Center.



2:00 PMNature Tales and Crafty Hands
Join for a fun nature themed story and make a fun craft to take home with you.
Meet at the Lakeview Activity Center Amphitheater.

Limestone and its uses
Lawrence County Astronauts
Persimmons and Recipes
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