Libraries in Lawrence County

Libraries in Lawrence County

Pre-K Discovery

Children age 5 and under.

Today: Read a few fun stories about insects, go on a bug hunt, and make a glowing firefly jar.

“At Pre-K Discovery, your child will enjoy stories, songs, and activities in a fun and relaxed atmosphere where children can play individually and interact with others. Pre-K Discovery is generally held on the second Tuesday and Wednesday mornings of each month. Please feel free to attend both sessions!” – Bedford Public Library

Libraries in Lawrence County

Virtual Reality: Richie’s Plank Experience


“Be brave! Wear virtual reality goggles to experience what it’s like to walk a plank 500 feet in the air. For children and teens grades 3-12.” – Bedford Public Library

Limestone and its uses
Lawrence County Astronauts
Persimmons and Recipes
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