Mitchell Indiana

Mitchell Indiana

Tony, a Spring Mill State Park volunteer, asks you to join him on a very interesting exploration. Many people have never heard of Cave River Valley, but it is a very beautiful place. CRV is a primitive park owned by Spring Mill, and about 15 minutes away. Tony plans to tell you all about it’s history on this one hour hike. The trail will be rugged. So, being good hiking boots and weather appropriate clothing.

Meet at the Donaldson Shelter parking lot.

Mitchell Indiana

Explore the beautiful hidden gem, Cave River Valley, with the Spring Mill State Park Naturalist. Enjoy a rugged hike through this primitive park, that most people don’t know about. It is recommended that you wear good hiking shoes and comfortable clothing, because the hike will be rugged.

Meet at the Grissom Memorial at Spring Mill to follow the Naturalist to Cave River Valley, 15 miles down the road.

Mitchell Indiana

If you have missed the last few chances to go on a hike at Cave River Valley, now is your chance. Meet Spring Mill volunteer, Tony, at the Donaldson parking lot. Then, follow him 15 miles down the road to this very special place that only a few people have heard of.

The hike will be rugged. So, make sure you dress appropriately.

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