


Bring the kids to enjoy another fun weekend at Spring Mill State Park. School is just around the corner!



10:00 AM Monarch Madness
Who is eating all our milkweed!? Join Sarah to learn all about the amazing Monarch Butterfly
Meet at Lakeview Activity Center

1:00 PM Make a Tree Cookie Ornament
Certain types of cookies we can learn from! Learn about tree rings and how they help tell us about their own history. Then, create a special ornament to take home!
Meet at Lakeview Activity Center

7:00 PM Sunset Stroll
Take an easy stroll on Spring Mill’s paved loop and hear about the eccentric Scotsman, George Donaldson.  30 Minutes.
Meet at Donaldson Shelter Parking Lot



10:00 AM Rubble Springs Hike
Come explore a hidden cave and all its beauty with Tony on this rugged, off trail hike. 45 minutes.
Meet at Lakeview Activity Center

1:00 PM Limestone Kiln Hike
Uncover the history of Spring Mill’s limestone kilns and take a hike to view two of them that are often surpassed by guests. Rugged Hike. 45 minutes

6:30 PM Perfect Pines
Spring Mill is celebrating Christmas in July at the Campground. Join Sheree and learn all about pines as you make a pine cone bird feeder. * PEANUT ALLERGY WARNING*
Meet at Campground Amphitheater



11:00 AM Hamer Cemetery Tour
Take a stroll with Sheree through the Pioneer Cemetery to hear stories of the past.
Meet at Hamer Cemetery


Please contact Spring Mill for more information (812)849-3534

Limestone and its uses
Lawrence County Astronauts
Persimmons and Recipes
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