Spring Mill Winter Workshop

Spring Mill Winter Workshop


Spring Mill State Park offers activities all-year-round!

Foresters, hosted by the White River Forestry Committee ,will discuss common trees in southern IN with photos, twigs, acorns or nuts for each. They will help you identify trees in winter without the benefit of leaves using form, twigs, bark and branching character.  A second outdoor session will be held 9AM -12 on Saturday, Feb. 18th when everything learned is pulled together as those attending are able to identify trees in an easy walk on Trail 6 in the park.

A $5 fee is charged for the workshop to cover the handouts and snacks.

Advanced Reservations Required:  Contact Teena at 812-278-0139 or tdligman@att.net

Park Entry Fees May Apply

Spring Mill Winter Workshop


Spring Mill State Park offers activities all-year-round!

Learn all about our native Eastern Bluebirds.  Help our Bluebird populations by putting together a Blue Bird nesting box to take home with you.  All tools and wood provided.

Advanced registration required.
Limited to 20.
$20 per person or two for $35.
Lakeview Activity Center

Contact Sheree Belt at 812-849-3534 or sbelt@dnr.in.gov

Park Entry Fees May Apply

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