ted vigil

ted vigil

In 2006, Ted went on to Laughlin, NV to compete in the Talent Quest 2006 that involved 28 states, New Zealand, Australia and Canada, and he took first place. He then went on to win Komo TV 4’s NW Afternoon Celebrity Look Alike contest and has played twice for John Denver’s own “Windstar Foundation” in Aspen, CO. Ted cruised the Caribbean with Darryl Worley and Jimmy Wayne on a country cruise hosted by Great American Countrys’ own, Storme Warren. In 2012, Ted was awarded the Rising Legend Award by the National Traditional Country Music Association. Ted also performed with the late Steve Wiesberg, John Denver’s lead guitar player, from 2010 to 2014. Ted now performs Internationally for all kinds of venues and events. He has wowed the crowd selling out theatre’s all over the US.

-from Mitchell Opera House

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