Limestone Country

Limestone Country

Come out to the Mitchell Opera House to see some of the best local talent around, that will compete for a chance to participate in the final talent showcase! The Mitchell Opera House Live Talent Showcase is open to local members of the community of all ages, residing in Crawford, Greene, Jackson, Martin, Monroe, Lawrence, Orange, and Washington counties.

CLICK HERE to get your ticket.

Limestone Country


Through the course of 2019, locals have shared their talent with all of us! Tonight, come out for the final night of the Mitchell Opera House Live Talent Showcase! Watch the top competitors from this year’s showcase perform in the final competition for a chance to win the grand prize of $1,000!

Mark Bryant will emcee the event.


Limestone Country

It’s “Visit Indiana Week”

Celebrate #TastyTuesday at one of the delicious restaurants here in Lawrence County. We have plenty of places to eat, but we will tell you a few of our favorites.

Check these out:

Court Room Sports Grill
With a mix of “Midwest Favorites” and “New Orleans Flavor”, your taste buds will be wondering why you’ve never let them taste this food before!

Smokin’ Jims
Delicious home style food in warm and homey environment. After you’ve finished, check out the cute shop and the AWESOME train outside.

Railroad Cafe
The Railroad Cafe pays homage to Indiana’s rich transportation heritage, serving up home-style food just like grandma made it.

Spring Mill Millstone Dining Room
The cozy dining room serves up homemade soup, pioneer-style cornbread and comfort food. It’s one of the only places in Lawrence County where you can get persimmon pudding all year round.
CLICK HERE for 10% off coupon at Spring Mill.

Limestone and its uses
Lawrence County Astronauts
Persimmons and Recipes
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