Spring Mill State Park

Spring Mill State Park

There is nothing like taking a walk through the woods and noticing all of the beautiful trees around you. It can be fun to guess what kind of trees are towering over you. A lot of us recognize trees by their leaves, but what do you do when it’s the middle of winter and the leaves have fallen to the ground? Take this workshop with Forester Dale Weigel and learn how to identify trees without their leaves.

To register for this workshop call Teena Ligman at 812-278-0139 or email her at tdligman@att.net

There will be another class on February 9th, 2019. During this class you will be in the woods to put your new skills to the test.

Class is Sponsored by the White River RC&D Forestry Committee.

Spring Mill State Park

Its time to put what you learned in Thursday’s first Winter Tree ID Workshop to the test. Dale Weigel and other foresters will be walking you through the woods to take a look at a few trees up close. After this class, you should be confident that you can identify almost any tree without its leaves. If you were unable to be at the first workshop, don’t worry. You are still welcome to join in on this one! Refreshments will be included during the workshop.

To register for this workshop call Teena Ligman at 812-278-0139 or email her at tdligman@att.net

Meet at the Grissom Memorial in Spring Mill State Park.

Class is Sponsored by the White River RC&D Forestry Committee.

Spring Mill State Park

Winter Tree ID Workshop

Dale Weigel and Teena Ligman will be at Spring Mill State Park to teach you about tree identification in winter.

SESSION 1 Thursday, Feb. 13
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Learn buds, bark, and more! Meet us in the Lakeview Activity Center.  Materials and refreshments available.

SESSION 2 Saturday, Feb. 15
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Return Saturday for field portion!  Meet at Gus Grissom Memorial to hike Trail 6.


Attending both sessions is encouraged, but not required.

RSVP to (812)278-0139. $5 fee for each session. 

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